

Function: sarcastic. Return string with sArCaStIc words.

function sarcastic(string: string): string;


const sarcastic = require("103-breads").strings.sarcastic;

console.log(sarcastic("Hello")); // hElLo

Function: separation. Returns separated string.

function separation(string: string, uppercase?: boolean): string;


const separation = require("103-breads").strings.separation;

console.log(separation("abc")); // a b c
console.log(separation("abc", true)); // A B C

Function: includesAll. Check if a string includes all members of an array.

function includesAll(string: string, matches: string[]): boolean;


const includesAll = require("103-breads").strings.includesAll;

console.log(includesAll("Hello world!", ["world", "javascript"])); // true
console.log(includesAll("Hello world!", ["javascript"])); // false

Function: includesSome. Check if a string includes one of the strings included.

function includesSome(string: string, matches: string[]): boolean;


const includesSome = require("103-breads").strings.includesSome;
console.log(includesSome("Hello world!", ["world", "javascript"])); // true
console.log(includesSome("Hello world!", ["javascript"])); // false

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